What is…………………………Edit Bay.

Edit Bay is a perfectly designed way to view OUTSTANDING images. Which makes it the best possible way to learn ABOUT photography.
It’s also ideal for working ON images.
If you subscribe, as we do, to the theory that GREAT compositions require LARGE PRESENTATION, then you’ll appreciate what’s at the CORE of Edit Bay.
An 85″, color accurate display. That’s right, it’s 6 feet wide. You can view yours or other images up to SIX FEET WIDE.

To get the most out of the display, we have the perfect environment….where you can get away from ALL distractions. No distracting lights or colors or sounds. You can play music or ambient noise or whatever you want, but the experience is otherwise all about focusing on the IMAGES.
And to work with your images, we’ve harnessed an ultra-powerful computer, loaded with the software you need. Plus some software you want, that you don’t even know you want yet.
It’s a 13th generation, Intel Core i9 processor, with 24 cores. If you’re not sure what that means, it’s just a wordy way of saying FAST.
It’s 32gigs of the fastest DDR5 RAM,
and the NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4070 GPU.
It has a high speed, 1 TB system drive.
It’s Fast. To get an OBJECTIVE idea, the photo editing score on PCMARK 10 is over 13,000!

Everything about this computer is about making work fly by.
It has Adobe Photoshop/Lightroom installed, and Davinci Resolve for video editing.
You’ll also have ACDSEE, Paintshop Pro and and a variety of resources.
If you need to sit down, plug in, and just get work done in the best possible environment.
That’s EDIT BAY.
If you want to LEARN…about yourself, about photography…..in the best possible environment.
That’s EDIT BAY.
And we have an ENORMOUS range of options…..from FREE self-valuation….
…to renting Edit Bay for large blocks of time to get tons of work done.