Ok, this thing we do…..it’s really very cool.

We’re taking people on GUIDED tours of Binder Park Zoo, and on Wildlife Hikes, and letting them use OUR CAMERAS and LENSES, with tutoring, to get a much better look
at all the cool stuff. We’re also PAYING FOR YOU TO GET INTO THE ZOO 🙂
If you’ve ever wanted to get a lot more out of a Zoo trip…..if you’ve ever wanted to play
Wildlife Photographer, this is an easy way to do it.

It’s two similar, but slightly different things, that cost the same. Just $45.
And they’re scheduled JUST LIKE A NORMAL PHOTOSHOOT,
you pick a day and time, we check out calendar, we make plan.
For the ZOO, we meet at the entrance, and we cover the entrance fee for up to TWO OF YOU. If you want to bring more people, getting them in is up to you. We’ll walk the zoo for an hour and half….you don’t have to leave after that, if you want, you can continue on, on your own.
During the trip, we’ll let you use OUR GEAR to get great pictures….we’ll also, if you want, shoot you shooting the animals, and even shoot portraits of you and yours at the zoo.
Afterwards, we’ll sort the images and keep every single good frame, and give them to you. They’re yours.

For the Wildlife Hikes, we’ll meet at a location, and the hike will be up to two hours.
Again, you use our gear, we walk you though tips and tricks for using the cameras and lenses and how to get the best shots. We’ll shoot you and yours, and behind the scenes, and we’ll get you EVERY USABLE PIC afterwards.
It doesn’t matter how many people you bring…the cost is $45. Bring FOUR people and split it if you want. The only thing to remember, is we pay to get TWO people into the zoo, and after that, getting extras in is up to you.

The best time for the ZOO is MORNINGS….but we can do any time the zoo is open.
Best time for HIKES is morning, second best is evening…..
YOU WANT TO SEND MESSAGES ON FACEBOOK, it’s the only way we schedule 🙂